Monday, April 1, 2013

Fool proof way to get your kids to eat healthier! Finally!

HaHa April Fools!

We can just file this topic away in our folder with Sasquach, Nessie and Leprechaun gold. It doesn't exist. There are tips and tricks a plenty though. My tip is to never feed them bad food in the first place but of course I didn't do that so what to do now that it is too late for that advice? First off if my Husband and I eat better then the kids will eventually follow somewhat. Wanting them to eat strictly health food with no wiggle room will never work. Ever. Talk about food. We talk about food, the reasons it is bad, etc. Getting them involved is the second most important way (behind parents setting the example)to get them making better choices. Don't expect instant results. My 12 year old would still rather eat out for every meal or eat chips all day. She knows it is bad but she is 12 and invincible. Actually my 3 year old thinks the same way.

There will be mess ups. My husband and I mess up all the time. The kids seeing us mess up is actually a good thing because they see how we cope and try to get better. They learn this is a life long process. Most of us go through life never really thinking about food but in this day and age food is more and more in the limelight. We are all learning that what we eat is an important decision.

Right now my husband and I have given up soft drinks. Let me tell you, soft drinks are a real addiction. Not just the caffeinated ones either. It is the sugar that has us addicted. I would drink between 3-5 cans of Dr. Pepper a day! That was all I would drink. Now I drink water, hot tea and an occasional (decalf) coffee. I am trying to find other drinks that taste good but do not have alot of sugar or use artificial sugar. Its hard. It is a battle everyday. Nothing tastes as good to me as an ice cold Dr. Pepper. As far as the kids go, we have set limits for them. The 3 year old has 2 milks and 2 apple juices a day. The rest of the time she drinks water. If she had her way she would drink apple juice all day and not eat. She is already addicted to the sugar. The oldest gets one carbonated beverage a day, uncaffeinated on school nights. She drinks water or milk the rest of the time, sometimes sweet tea. Drinks are a difficult situation in our house. Pretty much every drink has sugar and a lot of it. My body is so addicted to it I now crave sweets where I rarely did before. My body is trying to get back all that sugar intake I lost since giving up soda. There are days that I crave a Dr. Pepper so bad it gives me a headache and I actually feel sapped of energy and despondent. There are days where I want anything else besides water. Being a former smoker dropping sodas has been just as difficult as dropping cigarettes. That is a scary thing. I would like to cut my sugar from foods as well but I honestly do not know if I can handle the withdraw cravings and headaches. The most disturbing for me is the feeling of weakness and despondency I get when I am craving sugar. A perk of dropping soda is you will lose weight. I don't need to lose weight and I lost seven pounds.

Have you tried or successfully quit a soda or sugar addiction?

Do you have tips for getting your kids off processed and into veggies and fruits? Do you have tips for getting adults off processed and into veggies and fruits? I totally need some tips too!

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